Azure Web App Doesn’t Send Email using Azure Communication Email: Troubleshooting and Solution
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Azure Web App Doesn’t Send Email using Azure Communication Email: Troubleshooting and Solution

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Are you having trouble sending emails from your Azure Web App using Azure Communication Email? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the common issues and provide you with step-by-step solutions to get your email sending up and running smoothly.

Common Issues with Azure Web App and Azure Communication Email

Before we dive into the troubleshooting, let’s take a look at some common issues that might be causing the problem:

  • Authentication and Authorization issues with Azure Communication Email
  • Incorrect configuration of Azure Web App and Azure Communication Email
  • Dependency issues with NuGet packages
  • Versions compatibility issues with Azure Web App and Azure Communication Email
  • Firewall and Network restrictions

Step 1: Verify Azure Communication Email Configuration

Let’s start by verifying that your Azure Communication Email configuration is correct. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal and navigate to the Azure Communication Email resource.
  2. Click on the “Configuration” tab and verify that the ” Sender Domain” and “Sender Address” are correctly configured.
  3. Make sure the “Email service” is set to “Azure Communication Email” and the “Authentication” is set to “Enabled”.
  4. Take note of the “Username” and “Password” for later use.
      "SenderDomain": "",
      "SenderAddress": "",
      "EmailService": "AzureCommunicationEmail",
      "Authentication": "Enabled",
      "Username": "your-username",
      "Password": "your-password"

Step 2: Verify Azure Web App Configuration

Now, let’s move on to verifying the Azure Web App configuration:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal and navigate to the Azure Web App resource.
  2. Click on the “Configuration” tab and scroll down to the “App settings” section.
  3. Verify that the “AzureCommunicationEmail__Username” and “AzureCommunicationEmail__Password” are correctly configured with the values from Step 1.
  4. Make sure the “Email__SenderAddress” is set to the correct sender address.
      "AzureCommunicationEmail__Username": "your-username",
      "AzureCommunicationEmail__Password": "your-password",
      "Email__SenderAddress": ""

Step 3: Install and Configure NuGet Packages

Next, let’s ensure that the correct NuGet packages are installed and configured:

  1. Open your Azure Web App project in Visual Studio.
  2. Right-click on the project and select “Manage NuGet Packages”.
  3. Search for and install the “Azure.Communication.Email” package.
  4. Verify that the package is installed correctly and the version is compatible with your Azure Web App.
    Install-Package Azure.Communication.Email

Step 4: Update Azure Web App Code

Now, let’s update the Azure Web App code to use the correct email configuration:

In your Azure Web App code, update the email sending logic to use the Azure Communication Email NuGet package:

    using Azure.Communication.Email;

    // Create a new instance of the EmailClient
    EmailClient emailClient = new EmailClient(new Uri(""));

    // Create a new email message
    EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage(
        sender: "",
        content: new EmailContent("Subject", "Body"));

    // Add recipients to the email message
    emailMessage.Recipients.Add(new EmailRecipient(""));

    // Send the email message

Step 5: Check Firewall and Network Restrictions

Finally, let’s check for any firewall and network restrictions that might be blocking the email sending:

Verify that the Azure Web App has the necessary outbound connectivity to the Azure Communication Email endpoint:

Port Description
25 SMTP port for sending emails
587 SMTP port for sending emails (alternative)
443 HTTPS port for Azure Communication Email API

Solution: Azure Web App Sends Email using Azure Communication Email

By following these steps, you should now have a working Azure Web App that sends emails using Azure Communication Email!

If you’re still experiencing issues, double-check the configurations and ensure that all the necessary dependencies are installed and updated.


In this article, we’ve covered the common issues and provided step-by-step solutions to troubleshoot and resolve the problem of Azure Web App not sending emails using Azure Communication Email. By following these instructions, you should be able to get your email sending up and running smoothly.

Remember to verify the Azure Communication Email configuration, Azure Web App configuration, NuGet packages installation, and Azure Web App code updates. Also, don’t forget to check for any firewall and network restrictions.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Azure Web App doesn’t send email using Azure Communication Email”:

Frequently Asked Question

Azure Web App not sending emails using Azure Communication Email got you stumped? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

Why is my Azure Web App not sending emails using Azure Communication Email?

This could be due to incorrect configuration or missing permissions. Make sure you’ve configured Azure Communication Email correctly, and your Azure Web App has the necessary permissions to send emails.

How do I check if Azure Communication Email is configured correctly in my Azure Web App?

Check your Azure Web App’s application settings to ensure Azure Communication Email is configured correctly. Verify that the `AzureCommunicationEmailConnectionString` is set, and the `EmailSender` is correctly configured in your Azure Web App’s code.

What are the necessary permissions required for my Azure Web App to send emails using Azure Communication Email?

Your Azure Web App needs the `Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/Users SendsEmail` permission to send emails using Azure Communication Email. Make sure to add this permission to your Azure Web App’s Azure AD application.

How do I troubleshoot email sending issues in my Azure Web App using Azure Communication Email?

Check the Azure Communication Email logs to identify any errors or issues. You can also enable debugging in your Azure Web App to get more detailed logs. Additionally, review your email sending code to ensure it’s correct and well-formatted.

Are there any limitations or restrictions on sending emails using Azure Communication Email in my Azure Web App?

Yes, there are limitations and restrictions on sending emails using Azure Communication Email. For example, there’s a limit on the number of emails you can send per minute, and some features may require additional configuration or setup. Review the Azure Communication Email documentation to understand these limitations and plan accordingly.