Mastering Amcharts: Adjusting Max Width of Slices in SlicedChart with FunnelSeries
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Mastering Amcharts: Adjusting Max Width of Slices in SlicedChart with FunnelSeries

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Are you tired of struggling with slice widths in your Amcharts SlicedChart with FunnelSeries? Do you want to create visually appealing and informative charts that showcase your data in the best possible way? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a journey to master the art of adjusting max width of slices in SlicedChart with FunnelSeries. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is SlicedChart with FunnelSeries?

If you’re new to Amcharts, you might be wondering what SlicedChart with FunnelSeries is. In simple terms, SlicedChart is a type of chart that displays data in a sliced format, where each slice represents a portion of the overall data. FunnelSeries, on the other hand, is a series type that allows you to create funnel-shaped charts, often used to illustrate stages in a process or conversion rates.

Why Adjust Max Width of Slices?

By default, Amcharts sets the max width of slices in SlicedChart with FunnelSeries to a fixed value. However, this can lead to charts that look cluttered or uneven, especially when dealing with large datasets. By adjusting the max width of slices, you can:

  • Improve chart readability by making slices more distinguishable
  • Enhance visual appeal by creating a more balanced and harmonious chart
  • Emphasize important data points by making critical slices more prominent

Method 1: Using the `maxWidth` Property

The simplest way to adjust the max width of slices is by using the `maxWidth` property. This property allows you to set a fixed maximum width for all slices in the chart.

var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4charts.SlicedChart);

// Create a FunnelSeries
var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.FunnelSeries());
series.dataFields.value = "value";
series.dataFields.category = "category";

// Set the maxWidth property
series.maxWidth = 50; // in pixels

In the above code, we set the `maxWidth` property to 50 pixels, which means that no slice will exceed this width, even if the chart is resized.

Method 2: Using the `innerRadius` and `outerRadius` Properties

Another way to control the max width of slices is by using the `innerRadius` and `outerRadius` properties. These properties allow you to set the radius of the inner and outer circles of the chart, effectively controlling the width of the slices.

var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4charts.SlicedChart);

// Create a FunnelSeries
var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.FunnelSeries());
series.dataFields.value = "value";
series.dataFields.category = "category";

// Set the innerRadius and outerRadius properties
series.innerRadius = "20%";
series.outerRadius = "80%";

In this example, we set the `innerRadius` to 20% and the `outerRadius` to 80%. This means that the slices will be wider at the outer circle (80% of the chart’s radius) and narrower at the inner circle (20% of the chart’s radius).

Method 3: Using the `calculator` Property

If you need more advanced control over the max width of slices, you can use the `calculator` property. This property allows you to define a custom function that calculates the width of each slice based on the chart’s data.

var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4charts.SlicedChart);

// Create a FunnelSeries
var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.FunnelSeries());
series.dataFields.value = "value";
series.dataFields.category = "category";

// Define a custom calculator function
series.calculator = function(dataPoint) {
  var maxValue = 100; // maximum value in the dataset
  var minValue = 10; // minimum value in the dataset
  var maxValueWidth = 50; // maximum width for the largest slice
  var minValueWidth = 10; // minimum width for the smallest slice

  var value = dataPoint.value;
  var width = (value - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue) * (maxValueWidth - minValueWidth) + minValueWidth;

  return width;

In this example, we define a custom calculator function that takes into account the maximum and minimum values in the dataset, as well as the desired maximum and minimum widths for the slices. The function returns the calculated width for each slice based on its value.

Best Practices and Tips

When adjusting the max width of slices in SlicedChart with FunnelSeries, keep the following best practices and tips in mind:

  • Keep it consistent**: Use a consistent width for all slices to maintain visual harmony.
  • Consider the data**: Adjust the max width based on the range and distribution of your data to ensure accurate representation.
  • Experiment with different values**: Try out different `maxWidth`, `innerRadius`, and `outerRadius` values to find the perfect balance for your chart.
  • Use a calculator function for complex datasets**: If you’re dealing with complex or large datasets, consider using a custom calculator function to ensure accurate and visually appealing results.


Adjusting the max width of slices in SlicedChart with FunnelSeries is a crucial step in creating informative and visually appealing charts. By mastering the `maxWidth`, `innerRadius`, and `outerRadius` properties, as well as using custom calculator functions, you can unlock the full potential of Amcharts and take your chart-making skills to the next level. Remember to keep it consistent, consider the data, experiment with different values, and use calculator functions for complex datasets. Happy charting!

Method Description Example Code
Using `maxWidth` Property Set a fixed maximum width for all slices series.maxWidth = 50;
Using `innerRadius` and `outerRadius` Properties Control the radius of the inner and outer circles series.innerRadius = "20%"; series.outerRadius = "80%";
Using `calculator` Property Define a custom function to calculate slice widths series.calculator = function(dataPoint) { ... }

Now that you’ve mastered the art of adjusting max width of slices in SlicedChart with FunnelSeries, go ahead and create stunning charts that impress your audience! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of amcharts and master the art of adjusting max width of slices in SlicedChart with FunnelSeries!

How do I adjust the max width of slices in a SlicedChart with FunnelSeries in amcharts?

You can adjust the max width of slices in a SlicedChart with FunnelSeries by using the `maxWidth` property in the `slices` array. For example: `slices: [{maxWidth: 50}]`. This will set the maximum width of each slice to 50 pixels. You can adjust this value to fit your chart’s design.

Is there a way to set a different max width for each slice in the FunnelSeries?

Yes, you can set a different max width for each slice by adding the `maxWidth` property to each slice object in the `slices` array. For example: `slices: [{maxWidth: 50}, {maxWidth: 70}, {maxWidth: 90}]`. This will set a unique maximum width for each slice.

How does the `maxWidth` property affect the overall appearance of the chart?

The `maxWidth` property determines the maximum width of each slice, which in turn affects the overall appearance of the chart. By adjusting the max width, you can control the shape and proportions of the slices, making the chart more visually appealing and easier to read.

Can I use percentages instead of pixels for the `maxWidth` property?

Yes, you can use percentages instead of pixels for the `maxWidth` property. For example: `slices: [{maxWidth: ‘50%’}]`. This will set the maximum width of each slice to 50% of the chart’s width.

Are there any other properties I can use to customize the appearance of the slices in my FunnelSeries?

Yes, there are several other properties you can use to customize the appearance of the slices, such as `fillOpacity`, `strokeWidth`, and `strokeColor`. You can also use other properties like `label` and `value` to add custom labels and values to each slice.

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