Unlocking the Secrets of LLC Misses: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Get LLC Misses Using Perf
Image by Kenedi - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of LLC Misses: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Get LLC Misses Using Perf

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As a developer or systems administrator, understanding how to optimize your system’s performance is crucial. One crucial aspect of performance optimization is identifying and addressing LLC (Last-Level Cache) misses. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of LLC misses and show you how to get LLC misses using perf, a powerful performance analysis tool. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

What are LLC Misses?

Before we dive into using perf, it’s essential to understand what LLC misses are and why they matter. LLC misses occur when the CPU can’t find the data it needs in the Last-Level Cache (LLC). The LLC is the largest and slowest cache level in the CPU’s memory hierarchy. When the CPU encounters an LLC miss, it needs to access the main memory, which is much slower than accessing the cache. This can significantly impact system performance.

Why Should You Care About LLC Misses?

LLC misses can have a substantial impact on system performance, particularly in memory-bound workloads. Here are a few reasons why you should care about LLC misses:

  • Performance Degradation**: LLC misses can cause significant performance degradation, leading to slower execution times and reduced throughput.
  • Increased Power Consumption**: When the CPU has to access main memory more frequently, it consumes more power, which can increase energy costs and reduce battery life in mobile devices.
  • Heat Generation**: The increased power consumption can also lead to higher temperatures, which can reduce the lifespan of your hardware.

Using Perf to Get LLC Misses

Now that we’ve covered the importance of LLC misses, let’s get started with using perf to identify and analyze them. Perf is a powerful performance analysis tool that comes pre-installed with most Linux distributions. To use perf, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of command-line interfaces and performance analysis concepts.

Installing Perf (If Needed)

If you don’t have perf installed, you can install it using your distribution’s package manager. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian, you can use:

sudo apt-get install linux-tools-common linux-tools-<your_kernel_version>

Running Perf to Get LLC Misses

To get LLC misses using perf, you’ll need to run the following command:

perf stat -e llc-misses, cache-misses ./your_binary

In this command:

  • `perf stat` runs perf in statistical profiling mode.
  • `-e llc-misses, cache-misses` specifies the events we’re interested in: LLC misses and cache misses.
  • `./your_binary` is the executable you want to analyze (replace with your own executable).

Understanding Perf Output

When you run the perf command, you’ll see an output similar to this:

 Performance counter stats for './your_binary':

          101,024      llc-misses     [99.99%]
          102,045      cache-misses  [100.00%]

       0.003415449 seconds time elapsed

       0.003412239 seconds user
       0.000004000 seconds sys

In this output, we’re interested in the `llc-misses` and `cache-misses` events. The numbers indicate the number of LLC misses and cache misses, respectively.

Interpreting LLC Misses Results

Now that we have the LLC misses data, let’s interpret the results:

  • High LLC Misses**: A high number of LLC misses indicates that your system is experiencing significant memory access latency. This can be due to various factors, such as poor memory allocation, insufficient cache size, or inefficient memory access patterns.
  • Low LLC Misses**: A low number of LLC misses suggests that your system is efficiently accessing memory, and the cache hierarchy is doing its job.

Analyzing LLC Misses: A Deeper Dive

To gain a deeper understanding of LLC misses, let’s dive deeper into the perf output. We can use perf’s `record` and `report` commands to collect more detailed information about the LLC misses.

Recording LLC Misses

Run the following command to record LLC misses:

perf record -e llc-misses ./your_binary

This command will generate a perf.data file that contains detailed information about the LLC misses.

Reporting LLC Misses

Run the following command to generate a report from the perf.data file:

perf report --stdio

The report will provide a detailed breakdown of the LLC misses, including:

  • Top-down statistics: This shows the cumulative distribution of LLC misses across the entire system.
  • Bottom-up statistics: This shows the distribution of LLC misses by individual functions or code paths.
  • Call graphs: This visualizes the call stack leading up to the LLC misses.

Using Perf’s Annotation Feature

Perf’s annotation feature allows you to visualize the assembly code and identify the specific instructions causing LLC misses. Run the following command to annotate the perf.data file:

perf annotate --stdio

This will generate a detailed annotation of the assembly code, highlighting the instructions responsible for the LLC misses.

Optimizing LLC Misses

Now that we’ve identified and analyzed the LLC misses, it’s time to optimize them. Here are some general strategies for reducing LLC misses:

Memory Allocation Optimizations

Optimize memory allocation to reduce LLC misses:

  • Use cache-friendly data structures**: Design data structures that minimize memory access latency.
  • Avoid unnecessary memory allocations**: Minimize memory allocations to reduce the number of cache misses.
  • Use memory pools**: Implement memory pools to reuse memory and reduce allocation overhead.

Cache Optimization Techniques

Optimize cache behavior to reduce LLC misses:

  • Cache blocking**: Divide large datasets into smaller, cache-friendly blocks to reduce cache misses.
  • Cache prefetching**: Use cache prefetching instructions to prefetch data into the cache before it’s needed.
  • Cache-aware algorithms**: Implement algorithms that take into account the cache hierarchy to minimize cache misses.

System-Level Optimizations

Optimize system-level settings to reduce LLC misses:

  • Tune memory allocation policies**: Adjust memory allocation policies to optimize cache locality.
  • Configure cache sizes**: Adjust cache sizes to optimize cache behavior.
  • Use NUMA-aware memory allocation**: Use NUMA-aware memory allocation to optimize memory allocation on multi-socket systems.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the importance of LLC misses, how to get LLC misses using perf, and strategies for optimizing LLC misses. By understanding and addressing LLC misses, you can significantly improve system performance, reduce power consumption, and increase overall efficiency. Remember, optimizing LLC misses is an iterative process that requires continuous monitoring, analysis, and optimization. Happy optimizing!

Event Description
llc-misses Last-Level Cache misses
cache-misses Cache misses (all levels)


  • perf documentation:
  • LLC Misses:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to turbocharge your LLC misses with Perf! If you’re struggling to get the most out of your LLC (Last Level Cache) misses, we’ve got you covered. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you optimize your LLC misses using Perf.

What is LLC miss and why does it matter?

An LLC miss occurs when the CPU can’t find the required data in the Last Level Cache (LLC). This results in a significant performance hit, as the CPU has to access slower memory. Optimizing LLC misses is crucial for improving system performance, reducing latency, and increasing throughput.

How do I enable Perf to collect LLC miss data?

To enable Perf to collect LLC miss data, use the following command: `perf stat -e LLC-misses,LLC-loads,LLC-stores ./your_program`. This will collect LLC miss data for your program. You can also use `perf record` instead of `perf stat` to collect more detailed data.

What’s the difference between LLC-misses and LLC-loads?

LLC-misses measure the total number of LLC misses, while LLC-loads measure the number of LLC misses that result in a cache line load. LLC-stores, on the other hand, measure the number of LLC misses that result in a cache line store. Understanding the difference between these events helps you pinpoint the root cause of performance issues.

Can I use Perf to identify which instructions are causing LLC misses?

Yes! Perf provides the `perf annotate` command, which allows you to annotate your program’s assembly code with LLC miss data. This helps you identify which instructions are causing the most LLC misses, so you can optimize those hotspots.

How do I use Perf to optimize LLC misses in my program?

Once you’ve identified the LLC miss hotspots using Perf, you can apply various optimization techniques, such as cache blocking, data alignment, and prefetching. You can also experiment with different compiler optimizations, like loop unrolling or cache-friendly data structures. Remember to re-run Perf after each optimization to measure its effectiveness.

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