How to Set Text Colors in Angular Material: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Set Text Colors in Angular Material: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Welcome to the world of Angular Material, where making your application look stunning is just a few tweaks away! In this article, we’ll dive into the wonderful world of text colors and show you how to set them up in Angular Material. Get ready to unleash your inner designer and make your app shine!

Why Text Colors Matter

Text colors are more than just a visual aspect of your application; they play a crucial role in user experience and accessibility. With the right text colors, you can create visual hierarchy, draw attention to important elements, and make your app more readable. In Angular Material, you have the power to customize text colors to fit your brand’s unique style and tone.

Material Design Guidelines

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of setting text colors, let’s take a look at the Material Design guidelines. According to Google’s Material Design, text colors should be chosen based on the following principles:

  • Contrast**: Ensure that the text color has sufficient contrast with the background to maintain readability.
  • Legibility**: Choose text colors that are easy to read, even for users with visual impairments.
  • Consistency**: Establish a consistent color scheme throughout your application to create a cohesive look and feel.

Setting Text Colors in Angular Material

Now that we’ve covered the importance of text colors and Material Design guidelines, let’s explore the different ways to set text colors in Angular Material.

Using Material Attributes

The simplest way to set text colors in Angular Material is by using the built-in attributes. You can use the following attributes to set text colors:

<mat-toolbar color="primary">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>
<mat-toolbar color="accent">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>
<mat-toolbar color="warn">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>

In the above example, we’ve used the `color` attribute to set the text color of the `mat-toolbar` component to primary, accent, and warn, respectively.

Using CSS Classes

If you want more control over your text colors, you can use CSS classes to override the default colors. You can use the following classes to set text colors:

<mat-toolbar class="mat-primary">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>
<mat-toolbar class="mat-accent">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>
<mat-toolbar class="mat-warn">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>

In the above example, we’ve used the `class` attribute to apply the `mat-primary`, `mat-accent`, and `mat-warn` classes to the `mat-toolbar` component, which will set the text color accordingly.

Using Theme Colors

In Angular Material, you can define a custom theme that includes a palette of colors. You can then use these theme colors to set text colors. Here’s an example:

<mat-toolbar [color]="theme.primary">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>
<mat-toolbar [color]="theme.accent">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>
<mat-toolbar [color]="theme.warn">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>

In the above example, we’ve used the `theme` object to access the primary, accent, and warn colors defined in our custom theme. We’ve then used property binding to set the text color of the `mat-toolbar` component to the corresponding theme color.

Advanced Text Color Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some advanced text color techniques in Angular Material.

Using Text Color Utilities

Angular Material provides a set of text color utilities that allow you to customize text colors with ease. You can use the following utilities:

<mat-toolbar mat-text-color="primary">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>
<mat-toolbar mat-text-color="accent">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>
<mat-toolbar mat-text-color="warn">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>

In the above example, we’ve used the `mat-text-color` directive to set the text color of the `mat-toolbar` component to primary, accent, and warn, respectively.

Creating Custom Text Colors

What if you want to create a custom text color that’s not part of the Material Design palette? Fear not! You can create your own custom text colors using CSS variables.

  :root {
    --my-custom-color: #333;

<mat-toolbar [style.color]="">Toolbar</mat-toolbar>

In the above example, we’ve defined a custom CSS variable `–my-custom-color` and set its value to `#333`. We’ve then used property binding to set the text color of the `mat-toolbar` component to our custom color.

Accessibility Considerations

When working with text colors, it’s essential to consider accessibility. Here are some tips to ensure your text colors are accessible:

  1. Contrast**: Ensure that the text color has sufficient contrast with the background. You can use tools like WebAIM’s Color Contrast Checker to verify contrast ratios.
  2. Colorblind-friendly**: Avoid using colors that may be indistinguishable for users with color vision deficiency. Use tools like Colorblind Friendly to test your colors.
  3. High contrast mode**: Provide a high contrast mode that allows users to invert colors or switch to a high contrast theme.


And there you have it! With this comprehensive guide, you should be well-equipped to set text colors in Angular Material like a pro. Remember to follow Material Design guidelines, use CSS classes and theme colors, and consider accessibility when working with text colors. Happy coding!

Technique Description
Using Material Attributes Use built-in attributes like `color` to set text colors.
Using CSS Classes Use CSS classes like `mat-primary` to override default colors.
Using Theme Colors Use theme colors defined in your custom theme to set text colors.
Using Text Color Utilities Use utilities like `mat-text-color` to customize text colors.
Creating Custom Text Colors Use CSS variables to create custom text colors.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to add some color to your Angular Material app! Here are the top 5 FAQs on how to set text colors in Angular Material.

Q1: How do I set the text color of a material component?

You can use the color property to set the text color of a material component. For example, to set the text color of a material button, you can use the code: ``. Replace “primary” with the desired color.

Q2: What are the available text colors in Angular Material?

Angular Material provides a range of pre-defined text colors, including primary, accent, warn, and foreground colors. You can also define your own custom colors using the `$palette` variable in your theme file.

Q3: How do I set a custom text color in Angular Material?

To set a custom text color, you can define a custom color in your theme file using the `$palette` variable. For example, you can add the following code to your theme file: `$custom-color: mat-palette($palette, 500, 300, 700);`. Then, you can use the custom color in your component like this: ``.

Q4: Can I set the text color of a specific part of a material component?

Yes, you can set the text color of a specific part of a material component using the `mat-` prefix. For example, to set the text color of the label of a material form field, you can use the code: `My Label`. Replace “accent” with the desired color.

Q5: How do I set the text color of a material component dynamically?

You can set the text color of a material component dynamically using Angular’s property binding. For example, you can create a variable `myColor` in your component and bind it to the `color` property of the material component like this: ``. Then, you can update the `myColor` variable dynamically in your component.